Workflow size

A workflow that reaches the maximum workflow size cannot be saved or published. When the current workflow is approaching or is at the maximum size, a message appears at the top of the workflow designer as shown in the image below.

A file size limitation within SharePoint Online prevents uploading files larger than 2MB. Also note that the weight is different for each workflow action and there is no set limit on the number of actions that can be included in a workflow. Nintex recommends limiting the number of actions to 100. For example, Log to History action will have a smaller impact on the workflow size than a Query List action. For more information, see this Nintex Community article.

Continued development of workflow may cause these workflows to reach maximum size. Resolving sizing issues when you first see them can ensure continued ability to save and publish.

Best practices to follow

  • Remove unnecessary content in emails and notifications, as content also contributes to workflow size.
  • Place any variations of processes in a Run if action, when possible.
  • Split large workflows into smaller child workflows with fewer actions. This reduces the number of requests from a workflow instance. For more information about splitting workflows, see Splitting large workflows.