Geolocation control

The Geolocation control enables users to specify location either by clicking or tapping a link to locate their current longitude and latitude or by manually entering coordinates.

Note: This control is supported in Nintex Mobile, except for noted fields.

Control settings

Following are the fields and options visible in the control settings dialog box for this form control.

Note: CSS formatting controls are available in the classic forms designer only. To style responsive forms, configure theme settings in the Properties pane.

Section Field Description Nintex Mobile



Assign a name to the control. The name is used for comparison validation and other control references. 



Title (R)

Text to display above the field on the published form. Acts as a label for the control.



Description (R)

Helper text to display under the field on the published form.



Connected to

The field to bind the input control to.



Location Button Text

The text to display on the button or link used for automatic location of coordinates. If left blank, the default value of “Use my location” is displayed.



Manual Input

Enable, disable, or hide the manual input fields Latitude and Longitude for manual entry of coordinates. When disabled or hidden, the control can no longer be marked as required as not all users are able to specify a location.




Hide or show the control at runtime. Select one of the following options.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Expression: Evaluate an expression (formula) constructed from reference tokens and functions for a Yes/No value. The expression must resolve to a Yes/No value at runtime to be valid. If the expression does not resolve to a Yes/No value it will revert to the default.




Enable the control to receive user input at run time. Select one of the following options.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Expression: Evaluate an expression (formula) constructed from reference tokens and functions for a Yes/No value. The expression must resolve to a Yes/No value at runtime to be valid. If the expression does not resolve to a Yes/No value it will revert to the default.


Formatting (C)

Control CSS class

The CSS class to apply to the inner elements of the control.



CSS class

The CSS class to apply to the control.

Use this setting to apply advanced styling options using custom CSS classes defined in the form settings.




Specify borders to display. Select zero or more of the following options.

  • Top
  • Bottom
  • Left
  • Right



Border Style

Specify the style of the border line. Select one of the following options.

  • Default
  • None
  • Dotted
  • Dashed
  • Solid
  • Double
  • Groove
  • Ridge
  • Inset
  • Outset



Border Width (Pixels)

The width of the line in pixels.

To hide the border, enter zero ("0").



Border Color

The color of the line.



Padding Width (Pixels)

The width of the padding between the edge of the control and the content of the control.




Specify whether you want to mandate entry of a value for this field before the form is submitted. Select one of the following options.

  • Yes: Mandates entry of a value for this field.
    • Required error message: The error message to display when the required field is not specified.

  • No: Entry for this field is not mandatory.
  • Expression: Evaluate an expression (formula) constructed from reference tokens and functions for a Yes/No value. The expression must resolve to a Yes/No value at runtime to be valid. If the expression does not resolve to a Yes/No value it will revert to the default.

    • Required error message: The error message to display when the required field is not specified.



Use custom validation for latitude (C)

JavaScript function for validation of the latitude portion of the control.

  • Yes
    • Custom validation function: Specify the JavaScript function name for the client-side custom validation.

      The JavaScript function is to be specified in the Custom JavaScript section within the form settings.

    • Custom error message: The error message to display when an invalid value is entered.

  • No

Custom JavaScript is available in the classic forms designer only.



Use custom validation for longitude (C)

JavaScript function for validation of the longitude portion of the control.

  • Yes
    • Custom validation function: Specify the JavaScript function name for the client-side custom validation.

      The JavaScript function is to be specified in the Custom JavaScript section within the form settings.

    • Custom error message: The error message to display when an invalid value is entered.

  • No

Custom JavaScript is available in the classic forms designer only.



Help text

Text to display as a tooltip to guide the completion of the form.



Control Mode

Select one of the following options.

  • Auto
  • Edit: Force control be in edit mode.
  • Display: Force control to be in display mode.



Resize at runtime (C)

Dynamically adjust size and adjust the form length and position of other controls accordingly. Select one of the following options.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Expression: Evaluate an expression (formula) constructed from reference tokens and functions for a Yes/No value. The expression must resolve to a Yes/No value at runtime to be valid. If the expression does not resolve to a Yes/No value it will revert to the default.


(R): Available with the responsive designer only.

(C): Available with the classic designer only.

Form experience

The following selections are available in the form during preview and runtime.

Selection Description

Label and (if enabled) text box for manual entry of latitude (the angular distance, in degrees, of a point north or south of the equator, in decimal notation). For example, the latitude for New York, NY, is 40.712784.

Display of the text box is controlled by the designer control field Manual Input.


Label and (if enabled) text box for manual entry of longitude (the angular distance, in degrees, of a point east or west of the Prime (Greenwich) Meridian, in decimal notation). For example, the longitude for New York, NY, is -74.005941.

Display of the text box is controlled by the designer control field Manual Input.

Use my location (or designer-specified value for Location Button Text)

Locates user's current longitude and latitude. For example, if the user is in New York, NY, automatically populates the longitude and latitude values as 40.712784 and -74.005941, respectively.

The browser must support the appropriate functionality and the use of the form must permit the form to use it. If HTML5 capabilities have been disabled on either the user's browser or the SharePoint site master page, then this link does not function and the user needs to manually enter coordinates.

Displays the specified coordinates on Bing maps.

Tooltip: Click to view location using Bing maps.

Clear location Removes currently specified values for longitude and latitude.