
Profiles determine the permissions of users within a Nintex Apps site. Profile metadata may also include custom signup configurations.

Field Name Type Description
allowedEmailDomains String A comma-delimited list of allowed email domains for the profile type. Is null until set for the first time.
enableSignupApi Boolean Determines whether or not the signup API is enabled for the profile
enableSignupUi: Boolean Determines wheter or not a custom UI is used for user creation on this profile. Related properties include signupPage , signupConfirmationPage , and verifyPage .
name String The name of the profile
requireEmailVerificationOnSignup Boolean Determines whether or not a user must confirm their account through the verifyPage before the account is enabled
signupUi String Determines whether the profile's signup UI is the default, an empty string, or a custom UI. Is null until configured the first time.
permissionSet: JSON Object An object typically containing a namedPermissions object, a dataSourcePermissions object, and an appPermissions object
signupApiPrefix String The name used as part of the signup API route. Defaults to the name of the profile, lowercased.
signupPage String The name of the Nintex Apps page used to create user accounts through the signup API
signupConfirmationPage String The name of the Nintex Apps page used to confirm that a registration request has been submitted
verifyPage String The name of the Nintex Apps page used to verify user registration—available if requireEmailVerificationOnSignup is set to true

namedPermissions Object

Field Name Type Description
configure_self Boolean Determines whether a user of this profile type can modify their individual user settings
configure_site Boolean Determines whether a user of this profile type may modify the Nintex Apps site's Nintex Apps pages, apps, or settings
send_push_notifications Boolean Determines whether a user of this profile type may send push notifications through an action

dataSourcePermissions Object

Determines the permissions a user of a profile type has relating to Nintex Apps site's existing connection. Each connection is represented by an object if the user has access. If the user does not have access, that connection's name will not appear as a key in the dataSourcePermissions object. If the key displays an empty object— {} —then the profile has full permissions to the connection.

dataSourceObjectPermissions Object

Field Name Type Description
createable Boolean Determines whether or not new records within this object may be created by this profile
deleteable Boolean Determines whether or not existing records within this object may be deleted by this profile
queryable Boolean Determines whether or not existing records within this object may be queried by this profile
updateable Boolean Determines whether or not existing records within this object may be edited by this profile
dataSourceConditionPermissions JSON Object An object of dataSourceConditionPermission objects, indicatingconnection condition permissions. The key of each object is the name of theconnection condition.
dataSourceFieldPermissions JSON Object An object of dataSourceFieldPermission objects, indicatingconnection field-level permissions. The key of each object is the name of theconnection field.

dataSourceConditionPermission Object

Each condition is represented by an object if the user has access. If the user does not have access, that condition's name will not appear as a key in the dataSourceConditionPermissionsPermissions object.

Field Name Type Description
alwaysOn Boolean Determines whether or not the condition is always enforced on this profile.

dataSourceFieldPermission Object

Determines the field-level permissions this profile has upon the connection. Every field is represented, with the various operational permissions determined by booleans.

Field Name Type Description
createable Boolean Determines whether or not this profile may alter the field's value when creating new records.
queryable Boolean Determines whether or not this profile may read the field's value whenever the object is queried.
updateable Boolean Determines whether or not this profile may alter the field's value for existing records.

appPermissions Object

Determines the permissions a user of a profile type has relating to Nintex Apps site's existing apps. Each app is represented by an object if the user has access. If the user does not have access, that app's name will not appear as a key in the appPermissions object.

Field Name Type Description
isDefault Boolean Determines whether or not users of this profile will have this set as their default application, which is displayed upon login.