Deprecated in Nintex Apps
Deprecated means features and APIs that may remain in Nintex Apps, but whose use is discouraged. These features may be removed at any time.
Deprecated Features
Deprecated APIs
Nintex Apps deprecates APIs when we identify better ways of accomplishing the same task. We also deprecate APIs if there are changes to an associated application (a connection, or perhaps jQuery elements ) that impacts the effectiveness of the API.
Deprecated APIs used within Nintex Apps pages may continue to work after they have been deprecated.
However, to ensure the most consistent user experience, builders are strongly encouraged to use the alternative/workaround API option on all pages going forward, and ( for pages already in production ) to replace deprecated APIs with the listed alternatives.
Feature | Function | Deprecated in Build | Alternative/Workaround |
skuid.component.createChildComponents() | Create child components within components | Millau Update 1 | skuid.component.getById(aComponentInstance).createChildComponents() |
skuid.ui.fieldRenderers | Accessing properties of field renderers directly | Millau Update 1 | skuid.ui.getFieldRenderer() |
skuid.ui.renderers | Accessing properties of renderers directly | Millau Update 1 | skuid.ui.getRenderer() |
skuid.formula.Formula.prototype.getFunction | Evaluates the final value of any formula string | Brooklyn Q2 Point Release | skuid.formula.Formula.prototype.evaluate |
skuid.formula.Formula.prototype.getName | Returns the name of a given formula | Brooklyn Q2 Point Release | skuid.formula.Formula.prototype.getLocalName |
skuid.formula.Formula.prototype.getNumArgs | Returns the number of arguments a given formula expects | Brooklyn Q2 Point Release | skuid.formula.Formula.prototype.getArgumentCount |
skuid.utils.combineStrings COMBINE_STRINGS formula function | Combine two strings with separator, allowing for both strings to already have a separator embedded in them | Brooklyn Q2 Point Release | skuid.utils.joinStrings, JOIN_TEXT formula function R |
skuid.model.getMoreData | Brooklyn 2016 | skuid.model.Model.getMoreData | |
skuid.model.initializeModel | Brooklyn 2016 | skuid.model.Model.initialize | |
skuid.model.registerModel | Brooklyn 2016 | skuid.model.Model.register | |
skuid.model.sync | Brooklyn 2016 | skuid.model.Model.sync | |
skuid.model.unregisterModel | Brooklyn 2016 | skuid.model.Model.unregister | |
skuid.time.setUserTimeZoneOffset | Sets the user's time zone offset | Banzai Update 8 | skuid.time.setUserTimeZone |
skuid.model.isNewId | Returns true/false if the given row is a new row | Banzai | Use the model prototype method: skuid.model.Model.prototype.isRowNew(row) |
skuid.model.getNewId | Returns a generated unique id | Banzai | skuid.utils.generateUniqueId() |
skuid.ui.Field.prototype.handleUpdate | Called when a field value is changed | Prior to Banzai | skuid.ui.Field.prototype.handleChange |