Note: Nintex Apps data centers are located in West US and Australia (AUS). In-region processing of Nintex Apps data is only available in these regions.

Add Drawers to a Table or List

A drawer is a panel that opens below a Table component row or below a List item. The drawer displays additional data, either from the component's model (to provide more information about the selected record) or from a related object.

Using drawers allows end users to quickly scan a Table or List consisting of multiple records, then open drawers on individual rows/items to obtain a broader view of those records. Additionally, by opening two separate drawers, users can compare different records simultaneously—something that is more difficult with other "container" elements, such as modals or sliding panels.

Use the drawer to reveal details

In the example below, we're going to create a drawer on a Table that lists minimal top-level information (for example, name of company, industry, annual revenue) about client companies. Drawers can accommodate most Nintex Apps components. This drawer uses a Tab Set component to display:

  • More detailed information about each company in a Table component
  • Information about the contacts associated with each company in a Form component

Note:  We are using a Table component for this example, but the process is the same if you are adding a drawer to a List component.



The steps below assume that you already have a page with:

  • A model that surfaces information about client accounts. The model includes all fields needed to display top-level account information (for the Table component) as well as detailed account information (for the drawer).
  • A Table component on that model displaying those top-level fields.

Preview and test

With the page completed, click Preview to see the end result.

Pick a record, then click the > at the head of the row to open that drawer. The Tab Set will offer two options: Details, which displays the Table with more details about the record; and Contacts, which provides information about the contacts for that account.

Nifty, huh? Close the drawer by clicking chevron-right a second time.

Or open more than one drawer. Each one provides an entirely different set of records. ( This is how you know your Context Conditions are working correctly. )

Drawers provide lots of options:

  • Drawers on a Table (or List) of customer accounts could display invoices for each—or service orders.
  • Drawers on a Table cataloging products might give updated information about the product's supply chain.
  • A List of customer support tickets might use a drawer to track each action taken to resolve the complaint, and the associated in-house handoffs between service providers.

It's all possible with drawers.

Best practices

Simplify Save and Cancel

In the example above, both of the components added to the Tab Set (the Table and the Form) have their own Save and Cancel buttons. Prefer a global save and cancel option?

Uncheck Show a save and cancel button in the Properties pane for each component. , add a Button Set to the drawer. Add two buttons to the button set, then use the action framework to configure the buttons:

  • Name one button Save, and set its actions to Save model changes for both models.
  • Name the other button Cancel, and set its actions to Cancel model changes for both models.
