We've updated some of our product names. Nintex Automation Cloud is now called Nintex Workflow.
Nintex Document Tagger
Use the Nintex Document Tagger to add tags to templates for generating documents.
Nintex Document Tagger fields by section
Show tags for
Displays tags that are formatted for Microsoft Word. Example tag: <<Variable_address>>
Displays tags that are formatted for Microsoft PowerPoint. Example tag: <<Variable_address>> |
Displays tags that are formatted for Microsoft Excel. Example tag: Variable_address
Workflow reference Data
Workflow variables
Lists tags for . |
Start event variables
Lists tags for .
Workflow instance variables
Lists tags for .
Lists image tags.
Workflow repeating Data
Displays tags for that are formatted for rows of a table. One row corresponds to one collection. |
Displays tags for that are formatted for tables. One table corresponds to one collection.
Displays tags for that are formatted for sections. One section corresponds to one collection.