Azure Active Directory

Microsoft Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s multi-tenant cloud based directory and identity management service. The Azure Active Directory Service Type provides the ability to read from and manage users and groups in Azure Active Directory. The product uses this service type for user identification, authorization and integration with Azure AD using the Azure Active Directory workflow wizards.

The Azure Active Directory Service Type exposes Azure AD User methods (such as reading user information, updating user information) Group methods (such as retrieving groups and a user's group memberships) and User-Group operations (such as adding users to groups).

Service Authentication

OAuth is the only supported Authentication Mode for the Azure Active Directory Service Type .

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)

Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
ClientId Yes Text 5701318dfgkj654h74332

The Client ID from your Azure Active Directory configuration for the App. Normally, this setting is not required unless you have manually configured an application for access in the Azure AD using the Azure Management tools. For more general information see the MSDN article on AAD and OAuth.

This property contains sensitive information. You can enter and see your values when you first configure this value. The value will be masked when the service instance is updated.

ClientSecret Yes Text fjds543kjdfs87fih234khs

The Client Secret ID from your Azure Active Directory configuration. Normally, this setting is not required unless you have manually configured an application for access in your Azure AD using the Azure Management tools. (For more information on this, please see this article: AAD and OAuth.)

This property contains sensitive information. You can enter and see your values when you first configure this value. The value will be masked when the service instance is updated.

Realm Yes Text https://yourtenantname The APP ID URI from your Azure Active Directory configuration. Normally, this setting is not required unless you have manually configured an application for access in your Azure AD using the Azure Management tools.
Filter in AAD Yes True/False True Filter in AAD sends the filter through to Azure AD to filter before it returns the results. There are limitations regarding filtering in Azure AD, see the Limitations section below. With the setting set to false, the unfiltered results are fetched from Azure AD, and then filtered in the broker.
Number of pages to return Yes Text 100 Azure AD works on a paged request system, so No of pages to return and Page Size are used to manage the number of results to return. This is an important setting when working with the cloud. We recommend 100, as this is also the default Azure AD uses. Increasing the results per page, will require less calls to Azure AD, but will transmit more data over the network at a time, increasing the likelihood of a timeout or disconnect. Decreasing the value can have a performance impact, as more calls are made to Azure AD, and can cause throttling if to many calls are made to a system. Setting this to 0, will bring back all pages, thus return all results, and can have a negative performance impact. But setting to 0 is needed if the FilterInAAD setting is false, as the SmartObject Broker will need all the results, to accurately apply the filter and return the expected results.
Page Size Yes Text 1 Azure AD works on a paged request system, so No of pages to return and Page Size are used together to manage the number of results to return.


The SharePoint application requires Write permissions, configured in Azure Active Directory, in order for the Create and Update methods to function correctly when using the Azure Active Directory wizards in a workflow.

Service Objects

The Active Directory Service 2 typically exposes the following Service Objects:

  • Group (exposes Azure AD Group data and methods))
  • User (exposes User level data and methods)
  • User and Groups (interacts with the global Azure AD API)


If an Azure Active Directory environment is configured during installation, the product automatically generates SmartObjects for these Service Objects. SmartObjects can be automatically created by selecting the Generate SmartObjects for this Service Instance check box when creating a new Service Instance. Designers can use the SmartObject design tools to build advanced SmartObjects that leverage the Service Objects in this service. It is recommended to use the SmartObject design tools to create SmartObjects rather than generating SmartObjects, since this allows better control over the naming, behavior and design of the SmartObject and its methods and properties.


The default Service Instance of this service is used internally by the environment. Do not modify or delete the existing service instance. You can create a new instance or use the methods from the existing instance