
The K2 node under User Management is used to administer the "K2" Security Label (this label is associated with Active Directory).

On the Domain Settings page for the K2 label, you can configure settings related to how Nintex K2 interacts with Active Directory.

Field Description
Save Click the Save button to save changes to the Domain Settings.
Cache Timeout (This setting was deprecated by the introduction of the Identity Service. Please see the Knowledge Base article KB001250: Configuration for Active Directory User Manager cache settings replaced by Identity Service configuration and this blog post for more information.
Resolve Nested Groups

Groups within AD may contain nested groups or subgroups with a group. If this option is enabled, all users are resolved in nested groups. Note that enabling this option can have a performance impact when the Identity Cache tables are refreshed.
Note that the K2 service must be restarted if you modify this setting.

Ignore Foreign Principles If enabled, this will exclude group members from domains external to the forest.
Ignore User Groups If enabled, this will exclude user groups from being resolved and only the user name will be resolved.