Choice control

The Choice control allows you to select single or multiple items from a list of values. You can configure the control to display as one of the following types:

  • Drop Down List - enables the selection of a single item from a list of values
  • Check Box List - enables the selection of multiple items from a list of values
  • Radio Button List - enables the selection of a single item from a list of values
The image below shows how these controls display on a view.

Try it yourself!

See the following resources for more information:

  • See Configure the Initialized Event for more information about using the control with the Initialized event to improve the user experience when a view or form is loaded, for example to populate a drop-down list with data in the background while the rest of the view is available for data entry.
  • See How To: Create a Mobile Form with a Barcode Control for an example of using the Choice control with a static list of values on a mobile form.