Exchange Permissions
This page lists the Exchange permissions that are required or recommended for K2 service accounts.
Granting Execute rights on Microsoft.PowerShell configuration
To grant accounts the Execute right on Microsoft.PowerShell, run the following command in the Exchange Management Shell:
Set-PSSessionConfiguration Microsoft.PowerShell –ShowSecurityDescriptorUI
Assigning Exchange Impersonation Rights
To assign Exchange Impersonation rights run the following scripts, replacing <ExchangeServer> with the relevant Exchange Server name and <ExServiceUser> with the name of the EXCHANGE_IMPERSONATOR account.
- Add-ADPermission -Identity (get-exchangeserver -identity <ExchangeServer>).DistinguishedName -User (Get-User -Identity <ExServiceUser> | select-object).identity -AccessRights GenericAll -InheritanceType Descendents
- Add-ADPermission -Identity (get-exchangeserver -identity <ExchangeServer>).DistinguishedName -User (Get-User -Identity <ExServiceUser> | select-object).identity -ExtendedRight ms-Exch-EPI-Impersonation
- Add-ADPermission -Identity (get-exchangeserver -identity <ExchangeServer>).DistinguishedName -User (Get-User -Identity <ExServiceUser> | select-object).identity -ExtendedRight ms-Exch-EPI-May-Impersonate
- Add-ADPermission -Identity (get-exchangeserver -identity <ExchangeServer>).DistinguishedName -User (Get-User -Identity <ExServiceUser> | select-object).identity -ExtendedRights Send-As
- Add-ADPermission -Identity (get-exchangeserver -identity <ExchangeServer>).DistinguishedName -User (Get-User -Identity <ExServiceUser> | select-object).identity -ExtendedRights Receive-As
This Exchange Service Impersonation account makes use of a SSL Server Certificate between the K2 Server and the Exchange Server