Consolidation to Multi-Auth

It is now possible to configure a single smartforms site with multiple authentication providers. In the past if you required multiple authentication methods for your SmartForms sites you needed to create a copy of your SmartForms site for each authentication method. This document describes the steps necessary to consolidate these multiple sites into a single site that uses multi-auth.

Should I consolidate?

Before you make the decision to consolidate your SmartForms sites to a single site, review the Introduction to Multi-Auth document to understand if a single Multi-Auth enabled site meets your needs. In some cases it may be desirable to continue having multiple sites rather than consolidate to a single site. If you prefer having separate sites, please refer to the Upgrading Secondary Runtime Sites topic.


High Level Steps

These high-level steps are provided for those familiar with upgrading smartforms and configuring Multi-Auth. For a detailed guide, see the Detailed Steps topic below.

  1. Upgrade your primary SmartForms site to the latest version.
  2. Configure your primary SmartForms site with each desired Authentication mode.
  3. Confirm that your Multi-Auth configuration is working.
  4. Remove the old secondary SmartForms sites.

Detailed Steps