Runtime web.config file debugging settings

For more information on SmartForms debugging, see the topic Debugging Forms in the User Guide. You can enable logging for debugging purposes by setting the DebugLevel described below.

The following items are available in the runtime web.config file typically found at: [Program Files]\K2\K2 smartforms Runtime\Web.config.

Node Change permitted? Description Example or Default Value

<add key="DebugLevel" value="1" />

Yes DebugLevel enables logging in runtime. Specifying it is the same as appending _debug={DebugLevel} to each runtime URL but applies to everyone that visits the site.
For more information see the topic Debugging Forms in the User Guide.
One of the following:
  1. Debug
  2. Message
  3. Info
  4. Warning
  5. Error

<add key="Style" value="Platinum" />

No The default theme N/A

<add key="ObjectDesignerEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="FormDesignerEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="ViewDesignerEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="WebWorkflowEnabled" value="true" />

No Designer Settings to enable or disable the Designers N/A

<add key="WebWorkflowPath" value="~/Workflow/WebDesigner.aspx" />

No Location of the Web Workflow Designer site


<!-- <key="Forms.Runtime.BaseUrl" value="http://localhost/Runtime/"/> -->
<add key="AppRuntimePath" value="~/Runtime/AppRuntime.aspx" />
<add key="FormRuntimePath" value="~/Runtime/Form.aspx" />
<add key="ViewRuntimePath" value="~/Runtime/View.aspx" />
<add key="BlockedBrowserPath" value="~/BlockedBrowser.aspx" />

No Designer Runtime Links N/A

<add key="UnauthorisedAccessPath" value="~/NotAuthorised.aspx" />

Yes* The path that users are redirected to when they are not authorized to view the designer / runtime.  

<add key="Forms.Global.ErrorLogging.Enabled" value="false" />

Yes HTTP Global Application Settings. Enables error logging One of the following:
  • true
  • false

<add key="Forms.Global.ErrorLogging.FilePath" value="C:\Debug\SourceCode.Forms.Web.error" />

Yes HTTP Global Application Settings. Error logging location. The path must already exist and you must grant the App Pool account write permissions to the folder. Valid path

<add key="UseBundledFiles" value="true" />

Yes File bundling - When changed to false, separate files are available for debugging purposes. Change the value to false if bundled files should not be used. For performance reasons, when changing this to false it is important to also switch off the following: "Forms.PostRenderCombining.Enabled" One of the following:
  • true
  • false

<add key="UseMinifiedFiles" value="true" />

Yes* Controls whether script and style-sheet files are minified during bundling (see UseBundledFiles). One of the following:
  • true
  • false

<!--<add key="TraceFilter" value="FormRuntime,Performance,PerformanceSummary"/>-->

<!--<add key="TraceFilter" value="Caching"/>-->

<!--<add key="TraceFilter" value="Security"/>-->

<!--<add key="TraceFilter" value="CombinedResources"/>-->

<!--<add key="TraceFilter" value="Administration,AppStudio,AppDesigner,AppRuntime,

Yes Logging settings to filter per category or combination of categories for debugging purposes
  • Administration
  • AppStudio
  •  AppDesigner
  • AppRuntime
  • FormDesigner
  • FormRuntime
  • RuleDesigner
  • SODesigner
  • ViewDesigner
  • Categories
  • Performance
  • PerformanceSummary
  • Caching
  • Security

<add name="RT profile" duration="3600" enabled="true" location="ServerAndClient" />

Yes Once a Form is rendered it is stored in the output caching of the server. Settings include how long this is cached and location where it's stored. Duration has been changed for performance reasons. These settings should preferably not be changed. Duration is noted in seconds
* You can change these values, but it is not recommended to do so.