Summary of Configuration Analysis Tool Checks

The Configuration Analysis Tool checks a large number of tasks, with different sets of tasks checked depending in the installation type. The list shown here is not exhaustive but shows typical checks. Run the Configuration Analysis tool from the K2 menu in the Start Menu (no specific user rights are required to run the tool from the desktop).

For a list of all tasks checked and notes on individual checks, see the Configuration Analysis tool all tasks.txt text file. The file shows an example of the output of the tool with task check successes and failures and the duration the check took. There are also notes concerning many of the checks with further instructions.

Definition of variables used in the explanation below:
[USERSNAME] = The user that is used to run the K2HostServer Service.


File System Permissions

The file permissions task checks if the requested user has the rights that is required on the specified path.

  • %SYSTEMROOT%\Temp – FullControl - [USERSNAME]
  • %INSTALLDIR%\Host Server\Bin – Modify - [USERSNAME]
  • %INSTALLDIR%\ServiceBroker – FullControl – Authenticated Users

Registry Permissions

  • LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\SourceCode\Logging – FullControl - [USERSNAME]
  • LocalMachine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog – FullControl - [USERSNAME]
  • LocalMachine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2 – FullControl - [USERSNAME]
  • LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing – FullControl - [USERSNAME]
  • LocalMachine\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog\\Application - ReadKey;SetValue;CreateSubKey; - [USERSNAME]

K2 Server Running

  • This task checks if the K2 Host Server Service is running on the machine.

Database Rebuild Indexes

Executes the DatabaseCheckIndexes stored procedure to ensure indexes have been rebuilt in the database for the K2Server, K2ServerLog and K2SmartBroker tables.

Visit KB001281 to learn more about Rebuilding Indexes.

Database Symmetric Key checks

Symmetric keys for the K2HostServer, K2SmartBroker, K2SQLUM, K2SmartBox tables in the K2 database need to be detected.

Exchange Integration Permissions

K2 Service Account

  • Checks that the K2 Service Account is a member of the Recipient Management Active Directory group.
    Example result: The user DENALLIX\K2service is a member of the View-Only Organization Management Active Directory group and has cached credentials. All server events where Create or Disable Mailbox are used should be configured to use this account in the “Run As” dialog.
  • The K2Service account has the necessary Exchange Impersonation permissions on the Exchange server.

PowerShell and WinRM Installed

  • Checks for the correct version of PowerShell and WinRM. These features are required for permissions check and assignment on the Exchange Administration and Standard tasks.