Unattended Installer - Additional Notes

  • All command line parameters are case insensitive. For example, both of these commands have the same result:
    • SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /SystemKey
    • SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /systemkey
  • All command line parameters can use either “/” or “-“ to indicate a switch. For example, both of these commands have the same result:
    • SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /systemkey
    • SourceCode.SetupManager.exe –systemkey
  • You must enclose file names containing spaces in quotes. For example: SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /output:"My Output File.xml"
  • If you only specify the filename and not a path, the Setup Manager creates the file in the same directory as 'SourceCode.SetupManager.exe' - this applies to all parameters that accept a filename. If you specify a path the Setup Manager creates the file in that location. For example: SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /output:"C:\My Configs\My File.xml"
    The Setup Manager verifies that the path is valid and immediately raises an error to the console if it does not exist.

Pass Through Authentication

Pass-Through Authentication is only available for a K2 server when installed in a distributed configuration.

You can configure Pass-Through Authentication using the unattended installer. The unattended installer chooses Kerberos, not Windows, by default. You can change the PTA setting after the Setup Manager generates the file. To do so, edit the XML file and change the PTA_OPTION value from ClientKerberos (which means PTA is off) to ClientWindows.