Standard K2 Site Authentication

The K2 Site uses the built-in security mechanisms which are:

  • Windows Authentication - Uses standard Windows authentication to automatically log in on the product Server as the current user. The K2 label is used.
  • Forms Authentication - A specific Security Provider label has to be provided. The user will be required to provide a username and password as well as the label to log on. Forms Authentication uses the forms login screen and creates an encrypted authentication ticket using ASP.NET Forms Authentication for a successful login. The ticket details of the user are subsequently used for all connections to the Server.

The product installer sets the type of authentication according to the user manager of the environment.

You can change the type of authentication by using the Management Site or by changing the web.config file of the IIS site where SmartForms resides.

See also:

Anonymous Access for SmartForms Sites

How to set up a secondary SmartForms Runtime site for Anonymous Access