Environment Configuration

To ensure your environment performance is at it's best it is essential to have the correct configuration setups. There are several factors and components within the product environment that requires specific or suggested configuration setup. This section provides configuration information on the following:

Configure Description
Claims and OAuth Configuring claims and OAuth should be handled for you by the installation and configuration of the product. If you are integrating with SharePoint 2019, the Nintex K2 for SharePoint App should be used to configure your environment. Manual configuration is possible but not recommended.
Logging configuration Use this topic to see the available system logging options in the product, and use the links to learn more about configuring these logging outputs.
K2 Server There are several factors and components within the product Server environment that requires specific or suggested configuration setup, this topic provides the steps and details.
K2 Site There are several factors and components within the K2 Site that requires specific or suggested configuration setup, this topic provides the steps and details.
Permissions Required permissions for Components.
User Managers Changing the default user manager after installing the product involves multiple steps, mainly to change the connection strings throughout the platform but also to register the default user manager in the database. This topic details what needs to change for switching the default user manager, and uses changing from AD to SQL as the example. The steps would be similar for changing from AD to a Custom UM.
Integration For setup steps on integrating with various third party systems can be found in the Integration topic.
Mobile Devices Connecting to the Workspace (Mobile) app requires setup on your Mobile Devices.
Client Browser Settings In order to access the Workspace (Desktop) app in a distributed environment, there are some settings that need to be configured on the client's Internet Explorer browser.

When creating a new environment for purposes of testing, it is best practice to create a new environment and not clone an existing environment as cloning an environment can cause unexpected behavior.