Workflow Management API

The workflow Management API refers to the .NET assembly SourceCode.Workflow.Management.dll. This assembly exposes several classes and methods that are used to administer workflows and the environment. Essentially, this API allows developers to perform similar administration functions as the ones exposed on the workspace and process portals’ Management console pages. The Workflow.Management API is not exposed as a WCF or Web service: it is only available as a .NET .dll

In practice, the SourceCode.Workflow.Management assembly is often used to manage processes, automate Error reporting and Error repair, to manage other users’ worklist items and Out-of-Office statuses, to manage active process instances and perform workflow version migration for in-flight workflows.

If you wish to explore the assemblies in more detail, please refer to the Class Library Reference section of this developer reference.

The SourceCode.Workflow.Management.dll assembly is deployed to the GAC of the server. On a machine with the Server, Workspace or the developer tools, the Workflow.Management assembly is available from the following location:

You will need to reference the assembly SourceCode.HostClientAPI.dll as well, since this assembly is used to construct connection strings.

Security Requirements

Most methods in the management API require the executing user account to hold Admin rights on the server and potentially Admin rights on the workflow being administered. You can give the account the required rights using the Management site.

Assigning Server rights in the Management Site

Assigning Process rights in the Management Site