Office 365 Create List Item or Document Set

Nintex external platform is required for this feature. For details, see Enable Nintex external platform features.

Creates a new item in a list or a new document set in a library on SharePoint Online.

Note: To create document sets, you must activate the Document Sets feature for the site collection and add the document set functionality to the document library. For instructions, see Use document sets.

What can I do with this workflow action?

You can use this action to automate creation of list items and document sets.

Action settings

Following are the fields and options visible in the configuration settings dialog box for this action.

Section Field Description


Destination site URL

The URL of the destination site where the item will be created.


List or document library

The name of the list or document library where the item or document set will be created.



Specify the destination folder or folder path for the new item or document set. If the specified path does not exist, it is created.

Examples: FolderA or FolderA\SubFolderA



Specify fields. A value can be specified for any existing field in the destination list or document library.

  • Builder: Create the item fields using the UI builder or view created fields in UI builder mode.

    To add a field, click Add field and specify field, type, and value.

    • Field
    • Type
    • Value

    To delete a field, click Delete ().

    To view the XML, click XML.

  • XML: Create the item fields using XML encoding or view created fields in XML mode.



A username with permissions to create an item or document set in the destination site.



The password for the above username.



Store output for this action using the following selections.

  • Created item ID: Specify a workflow variable to store the ID of the item created.
  • Created item URL: Specify a workflow variable to store the URL of the item created.