Workflows not shown in Inventory

After the upgrade you may notice that previously published workflows are not shown in the Workflow Inventory.


Your Nintex workflow databases may be out of date or you may have to republish your workflows.


Method 1: Update your Nintex Workflow Databases

Follow this method if your Nintex workflow databases are not updated. Do one of the following to update the Nintex workflow databases:

Option 1:

  1. Navigate to Central Administration > Nintex Workflow Management and then select Database Management.
  2. Click the Upgrade database link next to Nintex Workflow.

Option 2:

  • Run the following command:

    NWAdmin.exe -o UpgradeDatabases

Method 2: If the Nintex workflow databases are up to date do one of the following

If the Nintex workflow databases are up to date and the published workflows are still not shown in the inventory do the following:

Option 1: Run the following script in PowerShell

Note: With this method the Nintex Workflow Upgrade Job repopulates the dbo.workflows table with workflows that are found in NintexWorkflows hidden libraries throughout the SharePoint Farm.

#Adds SharePoint Powershell Snapin

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA silentlycontinue

#Schedule Nintex Workflow Upgrade Job






Option 2: Republish your workflows

  1. Open the Nintex Workflow Designer on the site, list, or library where the workflow should be located.
  2. Click Open.
  3. Locate the missing Workflow and click Select.
  4. Publish the Workflow.
  5. Verify if the Workflow is now displayed in the Workflow Inventory Page.