Reflects the current release of Nintex for SharePoint 2016. For your version, please access assistance through the Help button in the product.

Workflow Variables dialog box

This topic describes the selections and columns in the Workflow Variables dialog box accessible from the Workflow designer.

Selection Description
Close Closes the dialog box.
New Displays the Create Workflow Variable dialog box to add a variable. See Create Workflow Variable and Modify Workflow Variable dialog boxes.
Delete Deletes the selected variable.
Modify Displays the Modify Workflow Variable dialog box to edit the selected variable. See See Create Workflow Variable and Modify Workflow Variable dialog boxes.
Help Displays the product help.
Column Description
Name Name of variable.
Type Variable type. Cannot be modified once saved.
Show on start form Yes indicates that the variable is listed on the workflow start form; No indicates that the workflow is not.

Related information

Browse workflow variables

Delete workflow variables

Create Workflow Variable and Modify Workflow Variable dialog boxes