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Labels reference

This section describes the fields available in the Labels tab of the ribbon in the configuration settings dialog box.

Option Description
Action title

The text to display in the top label for the current action.

Note: The action title is used in workflow reports to indicate the current status of a running workflow.

Left text The text to display in the left label for the current action.
Right text The text to display in the right label for the current action.

Bottom text

The text to display in the bottom label for the current action.

Notes to display

The notes to display for the current action when hovering over the action and when printing the workflow with comments. Select one of the following options.

  • System generated: Default notes only.
  • User defined: Custom notes defined under User defined notes.
  • System generated and user defined: Both default and custom notes.

User defined notes

The user-defined notes to display for the current action when hovering over the action and when printing the workflow with comments.

Related information

Set action labels

Print workflows