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This topic describes how to enable verbose logging for the farm.
Verbose logging must first be enabled in the farm before it can be enabled in workflows.
Verbose logging adds increased context data when viewing the history of a workflow instance. The value of all workflow variables and item properties are stored before and after each workflow action, along with additional diagnostics information such as the process the workflow was running in and the server that was executing the workflow.
Note: Verbose logging adds a significant amount of data to the Nintex Workflow database. The data is not intended to be kept for a long time. The verbose logging feature is intended as an assistant for workflow development and testing, and is not intended to be left on in production.
To enable verbose logging for the farm
For Number of days to keep verbose logs, select the number of days to keep verbose workflow logs.
Logs are deleted when the workflow completes after the specified number of days.
Note: A workflow with verbose logging enabled adds more data to the workflow database than one without, therefore there is an automatic purge process to remove verbose information after a number of days.
(Optional.) To make changes take effect immediately, reset IIS and restart the Windows SharePoint Services timer service.
Verbose logging settings are cached and refreshed automatically every 15 minutes.