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Associate site columns with list workflows

This topic describes how to associate site columns with list workflows using association columns.

Association columns allow you to reference columns for the current item from within a reusable workflow. Association columns are automatically added to a list or library when a reusable workflow is associated to that list or library.

Note: Association columns are not supported with site workflows.

To access the Association Columns dialog box

  1. Open the list workflow that you want.
  2. In the ribbon, click Workflow Settings.
  3. In the Workflow Settings dialog box, click Association Columns.

    The Association Columns dialog box appears.

  4. To associate an existing site column with the current workflow, click Existing Site Column to display the Add Existing Site Column dialog box, select the desired site column, and then click OK.

    The selected site column is listed in the Association Columns dialog box.

  5. To create a new site column and associate it with the current workflow, click New Site Column to display the Create New Site Column dialog box, fill in the fields, and then click Save.

    The new site column is listed in the Association Columns dialog box. The new site column is created when the workflow is published.

    Note: You can modify a new site column by selecting the site column and clicking Modify. The Modify Site Column dialog box has the same fields as the Create New Site Column dialog box.

  6. To delete an association with a site column, select the site column, click Delete, and then click OK.

    Note:  This step does not delete the site column itself, only the association between the site column and this workflow. In the case of a new site column association that has not yet been published, the site column has not been created in the SharePoint site yet, and the site column definition will be lost when the association is deleted.

Related information

Create New Site Column dialog box