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This operation is used to update parameters for Nintex Workflow content databases, including setting MultiSubnetFailover to True to make content databases "AlwaysOn."

For more information on "AlwaysOn" databases, see the Microsoft article SqlClient Support for High Availability, Disaster Recovery.

Note: Run the IISreset command to implement the changes from this operation. Parameters for databases are listed on the Database management page. For more information on this page, see Database management page. When migrating a configuration database to another server, the internal reference to itself as a content database must be updated with this command.


NWAdmin.exe –o UpdateContentDatabaseParameters -serverName serverName -databaseName databaseName -newParameters "<Parameters>"

Example updating the parameters MultiSubnetFailover, ApplicationIntent, and Encrypt for the content database "NintexWorkflowDB-Content" on the database server "MyServer":

NWAdmin.exe –o UpdateContentDatabaseParameters –serverName MyServer -databaseName NintexWorkflowDB-Content -newParameters "MultiSubnetFailover=True;ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly;Encrypt=False"


Name Description


The name of the database server for the content database parameter update.


The name of the content database for the parameter update.


The database parameters to update.

For a list of parameters, see; at the time of writing, all except the following parameters were supported. Unsupported parameters: databaseName, password, serverName, userName, integratedSecurity.