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This operation is used to find workflows where the status stored in the Nintex Workflow does not match SharePoint’s representation of the status. The Nintex Workflow status is updated to match the SharePoint status.


NWAdmin.exe -o SyncTerminatedWorkflows -url teamsiteurl [-preScan] [-verbose] [-confirm] [-showMissingItems] [-terminateDeletedItems]


Name Description


The url to the site to search for out of sync workflows.


When specified, out of sync workflows are displayed but no changes are made.


When specified, detailed information of the actions taken by the operation are displayed.


When specified, a prompt is displayed to confirm before each action.


When specified, additional output is displayed when a workflow instance is stored for an item that no longer exists in SharePoint.


When specified, if a list item is not found, the workflow is treated as if it was cancelled. SharePoint does not cancel a workflow when an item is deleted, so the workflow can still display in reports. This option will tell Nintex Workflow to treat the workflow as cancelled.

Note: Security can cause this command to treat an item as deleted.

Note: Items in the site recycle bin will be treated as deleted.