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This operation is used to add a record to define which alternative access mapping zone URL workflows in the specified scope should use when generating urls (e.g. for the approval url used in approval notifications). By default, workflows will use the ‘default’ zone url regardless of the zone they were started in. This command can overwrite this behaviour.

When a workflow runs, it will query for all the zones settings where the scope includes the workflow. The zone setting with the highest precedence will be used. The order of precedence is as follows, with the top most taking highest priority:

  1. ExplicitWorkflow

  2. ExplicitList

  3. AnyWorkflow

  4. AnyList

  5. TeamSite

  6. SiteCollection

  7. WebApplication

  8. Global

If no zone rule is matched (and no Global rule was added) the ‘Default’ zone url will be used.

For example, if a workflow called “Finance Approval” is running in a site collection at http://sharepoint/sites/internalservices and an individual zone setting has been added for this site collection and this workflow, the workflow rule will be used to generate urls.

AnyWorkflow and AnyList will match any workflow or list in the farm with the same name, while ExplicitWorkflow and ExplicitList will only match a specific list or workflow.


NWAdmin.exe -o AddZoneSetting -type Global | WebApplication | SiteCollection | TeamSite | AnyList | AnyWorkflow | ExplicitList | ExplicitWorkflow [-url url] [-list listName] [-workflow workflowName] -zone Default | Intranet | Internet | Custom | Extranet


Name Description


The scope of the entry for this url zone entry.


The URL to define  the scope of the type entry. Required for types:







The name of the list to define the scope of the type entry. Required for types:





The name of the workflow to define the scope of the type entry. Required for types:




The URL zone to use when a workflow matches this entry. See the Alternate Access Mappings screen in SharePointCentral Administration for more information.