Create item

Creates a new list item in a list within the current site.

Action settings



Create item in

Used to select a list in which to create an item.

Content type

Used when creating the item. If a folder content type is selected, a folder is created. Likewise, if a document content type is selected, the appropriate blank template will be used.

Overwrite an existing item

To overwrite an existing item in the destination library tick this check box. If this option is not selected, an identifier will be appended to the filename. This applies to libraries only.

Store new item ID in

The created item will be assigned an ID. This new item ID can be stored in a List Item ID Workflow Variable. For more on using variables, please refer to information on Workflow Variables, please refer to About workflow variables.


Available fields that can be added to the created item will be dependent on what fields have been created in the destination list. You can manually specify the value or build the value dynamically at run time using  (Insert Reference). 


Action not executing

The work load for this action is added to a job queue. The workflow executes jobs in the queue as a batch when it reaches a "commit" point.

Related information

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