Nintex-SharePoint 2013
You are here: Installing Nintex for SharePoint > Troubleshoot deployment > Issues > Solution package is stuck in deployment: Nintex Workflow

Solution package is stuck in deployment: Nintex Workflow


The Nintex Workflow solution package (nintexworkflow2013.wsp) is stuck in deployment.


The solution may not have been deployed correctly.


Cancel and restart the deployment.

  1. Run the following stsadm command to list the job identifiers for all deployments in progress.

    stsadm -o enumdeployments

    For a mapping of Stsadm operations and their equivalent Windows PowerShell cmdlets, see the following Microsoft TechNet article:

  2. Note the job identifier for the stuck Nintex Workflow deployment job.

  3. Cancel the deployment, using the following stsadm command:

    stsadm -o canceldeployment -id "your job id string here"

    The solution management page in Central Administration updates the status of the solution to "not deployed." You can now deploy the solution again.

  4. Redeploy the solution by doing one of the following:

    If the deployment is stuck again, analyze the SharePoint ULS log files to determine what is causing the failure. For more information, see Review SharePoint ULS log files.