The Snippets feature provides the ability to reuse a predefined set of actions in the same sequence easily. For a set of actions which may be reused frequently, the user can choose to save the set of actions as a snippet. The saved snippet can then be used within the current workflow or in other workflows within the same site collection.
There are two ways to create a snippet.
1. To save an entire workflow as a snippet:
Note: This will save the entire workflow as a snippet.
2. To save an 'Action Set' action as a snippet:
Note: This will save the workflow action including its nested workflow actions as a snippet.
In both ways when a snippet is saved, the Save as Snippet dialog will be displayed.
Once a snippet has been saved a new section will appear in the Workflow Actions toolbox called My snippets. It is from here that a snippet with all its preconfigured settings can be used in the workflow.
To add a snippet to the worfklow:
Note: When the snippet is released onto the drop zone, it will be rendered as a set of workflow actions - the snippet icon will not appear on the workflow canvas.
To delete a snippet: