Window Options

In addition to its detailed options for managing window detection, the Window tab of the Flow pane offers additional options for managing window behavior.

Wait for window to appear

If you want the robot to wait some extra time for the step's specified window to appear before failing window detection, tick the Wait for window to appear checkbox and specify the maximum wait time. If the window does not appear by the time specified, the step's fallbackcommand will be executed. If the window appears before the maximum time is up, the wizard will immediately continue without waiting the remaining time.

Utilizing this option can prevent wizard failure in case of slow systems or network/internet connections.

Bring window to front

The Bring Window to Front checkbox enables you to determine whether the robot should automatically activate the window on which the robot performs the action. The feature options are:

  • Automatically: The robot automatically determines whether it should bring to front (i.e., activate) a window in order to perform the action. If the window is already activated, the robot does not attempt to activate it.

  • Always: The robot always attempts to activate the window. This is useful for preventing cases in which the window might be unexpectedly deactivated by another window that has been brought to the front.

  • Never: The robot never attempts to activate the window, and performs the action on the window only if it is already activated.

Not applicable to sensors.

Wait for web page to download

In steps that contain a web browser window, the Wait for web page to download checkbox enables you to determine whether the robot should wait for the web page to download before starting the step.

The web page download options are:

Utilizing this option can prevent wizard failure in case of slow systems or network/internet connections.

  • Automatically: The wizard waits while the page is loading. As soon as the page is downloaded, the wizard immediately starts the step. This is the default setting.

  • Always: The wizard checks if the page has finished downloading. For pages that do not require downloading, this creates a slight delay of up to a few seconds before the step starts.

  • Never: The wizard never waits for the page to download and immediately attempts to start the step.

Not applicable to sensors.

Scroll to position

In steps that contain scrollbars for the recorded window, you can determine whether the robot should automatically scroll to the step’s click position if it is located outside the area shown in the user’s application window. This option is set separately for vertical and horizontal scrollbars.

The automatic scrolling options are:

  • Scroll automatically as needed: The robot detects whether the click position is located outside the area shown in the user’s application window, and automatically scrolls up or down as needed to reach the click position.

    • This is the default setting for recorded web applications.

  • Do not scroll automatically: The robot does not detect or scroll to the click position if it is located outside the area shown in the user’s application window.

    • This is the default setting for recorded desktop applications.

Custom window name

Allows you to customize the window name that appears in Paused messages to the end user.