Managing Window Detection Rules

The Nintex RPA platform allows you to apply rules and conditions to the window settings within a wizard. To learn about how window detection rules are created, see Adding a Window Detection Rule.


The Rule Manager is where you can view and manage all the window detection rules created for your company. To access it, from the menu bar of the main Nintex Studio window, click Tools > Rule manager.

The Rule Manager contains the following columns:

  • Order: The order by which the rules are applied

  • Library: The library that the rule applies to

  • Application: The application that the rule applies to

  • Expression: The content of the rule

  • Created by: The name of the user who created the rule

  • Creation date: The date and time on which the rule was created

Filtering the Rule Manager table

The Rule Manager is a table of all rules that exist for your company. This table can be filtered by column, so that only rows containing specific types of information are shown in the manager, while rows containing other types of information are hidden.

Follow these steps to filter the table:

  1. Click the Filter icon in the column heading of the attribute by which you want to filter the table

  2. The following dialog box appears:

  3. Select or clear the checkboxes of the column values that you want to display or hide in the table

  4. From the first condition dropdown list, select the first condition that you want to apply to the filter, and type a value in the condition field

    A preview of the filtered table appears in the Rule Manager

    To make your filter value case-sensitive, click the Match Case button .

  5. Apply a second filter by continuing with step ‎6. Otherwise, go to step ‎8.

  6. From the And/Or dropdown list, select a condition

  7. From the second condition dropdown list, select the second condition that you want to apply to the filter, and type a value in the condition field

    A preview of the filtered table appears in the Rule Manager

  8. Click Filter to apply the filter

    The rule table is filtered by the conditions you set. The Filter Applied icon appears on the column heading by which you filtered the table

When you close the manager dialog box, all filters are cleared so that when you reopen the manager, the table is unfiltered.

Reordering rules

Reordering rules affects the order in which the rules are applied for all wizards in the company.

Follow these steps to reorder rules:

  1. From the Rule Manager, click Reorder Rules

  2. At the top of the Rule Manager, the Reorder Rules toolbar appears

  3. Select the rule that you want to move, and click the Move Up or Move Down icon to move the rule

  4. Repeat step ‎3 for each rule that you want to move

  5. Save your changes by clicking Save Changes on the Reorder Rules toolbar

To sort the table by a specific column, click the relevant column header.

Deleting a rule

When a rule is deleted, it is no longer available for to apply to any wizard in the company. However, deleting a rule does not affect existing wizards.

Follow these steps to delete a rule:

  1. From the Rule Manager, select the rule that you want to delete, and click Delete Rule

  2. From the confirmation dialog box that appears, click OK

    The rule is deleted from the table