Version History
The Version History tab contains a table that lists the previous versions of a wizard. By default, the platform saves and displays the last 10 versions. The maximum number of versions to save can be configured in Nintex Admin Tool:
For each saved version, the following parameters are listed:
Version #: The wizard version number
Time: The date and time the version was saved to the database
User: The Nintex username of the user that saved the version to the database
Algo Version: The Nintex algorithm version number
Studio Version: The Nintex Studio version number
version History enables you to:
Open a read-only copy of a previous version by clicking the Open read-only link:
Open a previous version for editing by clicking the Get this version link:
Opening a previous version does not automatically overwrite the current version. Overwrite only occurs if you save the previous version. When you do so, the following occurs:
The version you are saving (formerly the previous version) overwrites the current version and becomes the current version; and
The version being overwritten (formerly the current version) is saved in the version history as a previous version