Read from Screen: Position

Once you change a step's core action to Read from screen, in the Display Pane, the blue text reading Detected Object changes to read Field Label, and an additional orange text reading Field Value appears.

Field label & field value

Two locations must be set in order for the robot to read from the correct position on the screen:

  • The field label is the static text near the read position that the robot uses to identify the location from which it should read; it is indicated by a blue dot and the field label box (a blue bounding box)

  • The field value represents the actual position from which the robot should read; it is indicated by the field box (an orange bounding box that is initially hidden)

Why can't I see the field box?

By default, the orange field box is hidden because it is in the same location as the blue field label box. If and when you customize the location of the field box, it will become visible.

Field label position (field offset)

The first location to be set for Read from screen is the position of the field label. By default, the field label box and the field box are in the same location, so you must adjust their relative locations using field offset.

The field offset settings appear in the Position tab of the Properties Pane. By default, field offset is set to 0 pixels (both horizontally and vertically):

Adjusting field offset

To adjust field offset:

  1. In the Display Pane, hover your mouse over the blue dot that identifies the field label until it turns into a 4-way arrow

  2. Drag the dot to the text you want the robot to use as the field label

    The blue dot, the field label box, and the text reading Field Label move to the new location

    While you are dragging the dot, you may notice that the words Field Value move as well. Not to worry, we will adjust this next.

  3. Hold down the <SHIFT> key and drag the dot again to the location from which you want the robot to read


  • An orange dot is created (and appears over the location from which the robot will read)

  • An orange dot is created (and appears over the location from which the robot will read)

  • The text reading Field Value has moved with the orange dot

  • The field offset settings as appear in the Position tab show the position of the orange dot relative to the blue dot

    Horizontal setting:

    • Positive number → orange dot is right of the blue dot (i.e., field value is to the right of the field label)

    • Negative number → orange dot is to the left of the blue dot (i.e., field value is to the left of the field label)

    Vertical setting:

    • Positive number → orange dot is below the blue dot (i.e., field value is below the field label)

    • Negative number → orange dot is above the blue dot (i.e., field value is above the field label)

    You can directly adjust (or fine tune) the field offset position by manually changing the field offset setting numbers in the Position tab

Removing field offset

To remove field offset:

  1. Click the Clear link in the Field offset section of the Position tab


  • The field offset settings in the Position tab are reset to 0 px horizontal, 0 px vertical

  • The orange dot (representing the field value location) is removed from the Display Pane

Field value position (field box)

The location of the field box is automatically detected and adjusted when you follow the field offset process as described above. You can view and edit this location as required.

Viewing field box location

To view the current location of the field box:

  1. Go the Position tab of the Properties Pane

  2. In the Field box section, click Show

The orange field box appears temporarily in the Display Pane.

Adjusting field box location

To adjust the location of the field box:

  1. Go the Position tab of the Properties Pane

  2. In the Field box section, click Customize

    The orange field box appears in the Display Pane.

  3. Drag and resize the box as necessary

Restoring the default field box location

To restore the default field box location:

  1. Go the Position tab of the Properties Pane

  2. In the Field box section, click Delete (use default)

The field box is restored to its default location.

Additional Read from screen position options

The additional options and settings available in the Read from screen Position tab are applicable to the position of the field label. The usage of these options is the same as that for other core actions – including the selected method in the position dropdown list, object, wait for object to appear, detection match, docking, and fixed position anchor corner).