Exporting Wizard Images

Studio enables you to export all the images of a Wizard into a destination folder. You can use these images in your existing training or demo materials, such as presentations. Images can be exported either as the thumbnails that appear in the wizard’s Navigation pane, or as the full images that appear in the Display pane. The images are exported in JPEG format and saved to a folder named after the wizard whose images you are exporting.

Export the images of a wizard by doing the following:

  1. In the Wizard Editor, click Tools > Export wizard images….

  2. In the Export Wizard Images dialog box, select the image type to export.

  3. From the Folder field, browse to a destination folder in which to save the exported images.

  4. Click Export.

  5. The images are exported to an automatically generated folder named after the wizard. The folder is saved in the destination you selected.