Export a Wizard to Word or PowerPoint

Studio enables you to export Wizards to Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. When you export a Wizard, a DOC/DOCX or PPT/PPTX file is created containing images and details of the wizard and its steps. These wizard elements are organized and formatted in the export file according to a predefined template.

Studio comes with a number of sample templates for your convenience. These templates are located in the Studio installation folder. For example:

C:\Program Files\Nintex Studio\Templates\English

You are not required to have Microsoft Word or PowerPoint installed in order to successfully export wizards to a Word or PowerPoint file.

You can create your own custom templates for wizard export in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, as described in Create a MS Word Export Template and Create a Microsoft PowerPoint Export Template.

Depending on the template you select, the export file will include some or all of the following wizard elements:

  • Wizard name

  • Wizard description

  • Wizard path

  • Wizard hyperlink

  • Wizard notes

  • Application icon

  • Step name

  • Step number

  • Click position area image

  • Full step image

  • Core action description (mouse clicks, key strokes, and bubbles)

  • Step notes

  • Click position image

  • Action type icon

To export a Wizard to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint

  1. In Studio, open the Wizard that you want to export.

  2. In the Wizard Editor menu bar, click Tools > Export to. The Export  dialog box appears.

  1. In the Export dialog box, select the file format to which you want to export the Wizard.

  2. In the Template field, browse for the template that you want to use for the exported file.

  3. In the Save as field, select a location for the export file.

  4. Select or clear the Open file after export check box to determine whether to open the file automatically when the export is finished.

    If you do not have Microsoft Word or PowerPoint installed on your computer, clear the Open file after export check box.

The exported Wizard is saved to the file format you selected, containing wizard and step elements that are structured and formatted according to the template you used.