Preparing to Record

Complete these two important preliminary steps before recording to ensure the process goes smoothly:

Define applications & websites

Confirm that the applications and websites on which you will record are defined for the library in which the wizard is located. To learn more about defining applications and websites, see Applications.

Set up your environment for recording

Since the wizard will eventually run on a robot – not on your computer – set up your environment to match the robot’s as closely as possible, including:

  • Windows version

  • Windows display settings (for example, screen resolution and font size)

  • Application versions

  • Application color schemes or skins

  • Application user settings (user permissions and settings that could affect application appearance/behavior)

  • Browser type and version (if you’re recording web applications)

For a list of supported operating systems and browser versions, see the Nintex RPA Platform System Architecture & Requirements.

Match as closely as possible, but don't worry if it's not perfect.

No worries if you can’t get all of these environment settings perfectly aligned. During the editing process, you can make changes to the wizard to account for any differences. But getting the environment to match as closely as possible now will save you editing and testing time later.

If your wizards will run on a number of different machines and/or with different users (as is common in an attended automation context), try to match the environment that matches the majority of users.