Core Action Types

The core action types are:


The Click core action is the default for steps recorded when the mouse is clicked. It reflects the type of mouse click made during recording: single, right-click, left-click, double-click, or other.

Not applicable to sensors.

Validate window before click

By default, before any Click action, the wizard validates the current window is the same as the window detected at the beginning of the step. In order to deactivate that validation, clear the Validate window before click checkbox in the Position tab of the Click action's Properties Pane.

Timeout monitoring in case of click-blocked

By default, if the Click core action cannot be executed after 4 mouse clicks (4 click attempts), the Wizard proceeds to the next core action (usually a fallback). You can change the click-timeout configuration through the appSettings.config file.

To change the timeout configuration for the Click core action (OPTIONAL):
  1. Open the appSetting.config file of the Nintex Studio using a text editor.

  2. Add the key line:

    <add key="MaxRepeatStepsTimes" value="<click number>"/>

    for "<click number>", insert the desired click number:

    Example: <add key="MaxRepeatStepsTimes" value="6"

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Apply the same changes in the appSetting.config file of theNintex Robot.


The Hover core action moves the cursor on the screen to where a click was recorded in the step, but it does not perform the actual click action. This can be useful, for example, when the mouse needs to hover over menu options in order to open a sub-menu (as is often the case for websites).

Not applicable to sensors.

Detect object

The Detect object core action confirms the existence of the object clicked during the recording, but it does not move the cursor or perform the actual click. This can be useful, for example, when you need to ensure that a certain object is visible on the screen before continuing the process (e.g., the Developer tab in Microsoft Office).

Read from screen

The Read from screen core action instructs the robot to read data from a field on the screen and use that data as a variable in one or more Advanced Commands. The field value is read in real time when the wizard is run.

Read from screen can be useful, for example, when the flow of the wizard depends on the value of a specific field that appears on the screen.

For detailed information, see the chapter Read from Screen.


The Keyboard core action is the default for steps recorded when key(s) are pressed on the keyboard. The action records the actual sequence of keys pressed (which is often replaced during wizard runtime by the value of a variable set using Advanced Commands).

Not applicable to sensors.


The Wait core action causes the wizard to wait for one of the following events to occur:

  • Wait for block removal: The wizard waits for all blocks to be activated or removed before continuing the wizard flow. As long as a block is not activated or removed, the Wait action persists. Once a block is activated, the wizard flow continues.

Wait for block removal is a valid core action only if the step contains blocks. For more information about blocks and how to use them, see the Blocks chapter of this guide.

  • Wait for window close: The wizard waits for the step’s detected window to close – either indefinitely or for a specified maximum amount of time. If the window is not closed within the time specified, the wizard continues to the next action in the flow.

    • By default, the Max wait checkbox ticked, and the maximum wait is set to 5 seconds

    • If the Max wait checkbox is not ticked and the wizard waits indefinitely

  • Wait for object disappearance: Waits for the step’s detected object to disappear – either indefinitely or for a specified maximum amount of time. If the object does not disappear within the time specified, the wizard continues to the next action in the flow.

    • By default, the Max wait checkbox ticked, and the maximum wait is set to 5 seconds

    • If the Max wait checkbox is not ticked and the wizard waits indefinitely