Working with Bubbles

Bubbles can be added to a step either before or after the core action.

  • Bubbles can be added, removed, and moved within the step's flow

  • Multiple bubbles can be added to a single step

Adding bubbles

To add a bubble to the selected step:

  1. Go to the Flow tab of the Flow Pane

  2. Click the Insert button

  3. Select the desired bubble type from the dropdown list

  4. Move your mouse over the Display Plane and click in the location of the block you want to create

The bubble appears in the Display Pane and in the Flow tab.

You can add an unlimited number of bubbles to a single step.

Editing bubble text

To edit the text in a bubble:

  1. In the Display Pane, double-click the bubble whose text you want to edit

    The bubble is enabled for editing, and the Text Editing toolbar appears above the bubble:

  2. Type and format the bubble text as required

  3. Click anywhere outside the bubble to exit text editing mode

Inserting an image into a bubble

To insert an image into a bubble:

  1. In the Display Pane, double-click the bubble into which you want to insert the image

  2. In the Text Editing toolbar, click the Insert image button and select the image to insert

The image is inserted into the bubble.

Edit image size first!

Once inserted into a bubble, the image size cannot be changed. So be sure to resize the image using an image editor before inserting it into the bubble.

Inserting a hyperlink into a bubble

You can insert links into bubbles to help users access additional information that is relevant to the wizard.

To insert a hyperlink into a bubble:

  1. In the Display Pane, double-click the bubble into which you want to insert the link

  2. In the Text Editing toolbar, click the Insert link button and select the image to insert

    The Link dialog box appears:

  3. In the Text to display field, type the text that you want to display for the link

  4. In the Link to field, type or paste the link URL

    • To test the link (i.e., go to the URL you entered), click the button

  5. Click OK

The link is inserted into the bubble.

Moving and resizing bubbles

Bubbles can be resized and moved as follows:

  • To resize the bubble, click the bubble and then click and drag the bubble borders.

  • To move the bubble, click and drag the bubble to a different location.

  • To move a bubble anchor, click and drag the anchor object to a different location.

Hiding/showing bubbles in the display pane

In certain steps, you may find that bubbles are clustered in a single location on the screen, making them difficult to see and edit in the Display Pane. To view a bubble that is behind another bubble, you can either move the bubble, bring it to the front (or send other bubbles to back), or hide the bubble in the Display Pane.

Hiding a bubble in the Display Pane does not delete it. The bubble remains active and visible to end users in Nintex Robot during wizard runtime.

To hide or show a bubble in the Display Pane:

  1. From the Flow tab of the Flow Pane, click the Show/Hide button for the bubble that you want to show or hide

Bubbles are shown in the Display Pane by default, with the Show/Hide button enabled.

Bringing a bubble to the front

To bring a bubble to the front for editing purposes, do one of the following:

  • From the Flow tab of the Flow Pane, click on the bubble that you want to bring to the front;

  • From the Display Pane, click any area of the bubble that is visible; or

  • From either the Display Pane or the Flow Pane, right-click the bubble and select Bring to Front from the menu

    • You can similarly send any bubble to the back by right-clicking it and selecting Send to Back from the menu

Bringing a bubble to the front (or sending it to the back) does not change the order in which it appears when the wizard is run. Bubbles are displayed during runtime in the order which they appear in the Flow Pane. To learn about changing this order, see Reordering bubbles within a step.

Reordering bubbles within a step

Bubbles in a step appear to the user in the order in which they are listed in the step flow, either before or after the core action. You can reorder bubbles/core action within in the step.

To reorder bubbles/core action within a step:

  1. From the Flow tab of the Flow Pane, click and drag the bubble/core action to the desired location within the flow.

Moving bubbles among steps/wizards

You can move bubbles within a wizard and/or from one wizard to another by cutting and pasting them.

To move bubbles among steps/wizards:

  1. In either the Display Pane or the Flow Pane, click the bubble to select it

  2. Cut the bubble by doing one of the following:

    • On the Wizard Editor menu bar, select Edit > Cut

    • On the toolbar, click the Cut icon

    • Press CTRL+X

  3. Select the step to which you want to move the bubble (either in the current wizard or another wizard)

  4. Paste the bubble in its new location by doing one of the following:

    • On the menu bar, select Edit > Paste

    • On the toolbar, click the Paste icon

    • Press CTRL+V

Copying bubbles

You can copy bubbles within a wizard and/or from one wizard to another. Copying bubbles is useful when you want to create new bubbles based on existing bubbles.

To copy a bubble:

  1. In either the Display Pane or the Flow Pane, click the bubble to select it

  2. Copy the bubble by doing one of the following:

    • On the menu bar, select Edit > Copy

    • On the toolbar, click the Copy icon

    • Press CTRL+C

  3. Select the step to which you want to copy the bubble (either in the current wizard or another wizard)

  4. Paste the bubble in its new location by doing one of the following:

    • On the menu bar, select Edit > Paste

    • On the toolbar, click the Paste icon

    • Press CTRL+V

Deleting bubbles

Studio allows you to delete any bubble from a wizard.

To delete a bubble:

  1. In either the Display Pane or the Flow Pane, click the bubble you want to delete

  2. Do one of the following:

    • On the menu bar, select Edit > Delete

    • In the Flow Pane, click the button

You can undo/redo bubble deletion as required until you save or close the wizard (at which point deletion becomes permanent).