Find and Replace Variables

The Find and replace allows you to update the names of variables across a Wizard.

  • Find and replace variables in: Advanced Commands, Bubbles, Read from screen, and Flow pane

  • Mass update variables instead of manually updating one by one

  • Change variables existing in fields of other values

  • Undo or redo your changes easily

Using the Find and Replace tool
  1. To find and replace variables, click Find.

  2. Enter the variable you want to find. The Results section presents the found elements.

  3. Click an element from Results to locate it in the Wizard steps. Once clicked, the element highlights in the Wizard.

    If it is not an advanced command, then it will only highlight the step and you need to click the element in the step.
  4. Enter the new value in Replace.

  5. Select Replace to replace the one selected variable.

  6. Select Replace all to replace the variable all across the Wizards.

You can click Undo/Redo to undo (or redo) changes applied to variables.