Block Properties

The following block properties can be customized from the Properties tab of the Properties Pane:


Enter a block Name to serve as a reference for the RPA developer in Nintex Studio. The Name is not visible to end users in Nintex Robot.

Blocked key(s)

Enter the key or key combination for the block to intercept (e.g., CTRL+S)

Click the Clear button to clear your choice of blocked key(s)

The Blocked keys(s) property is available for (and applicable to) key blocks only.


Select a radio button in the Behavior section to determine what the block will do when it intercepts the click/key combination:

  • Deny user action: Denies the click/key combination from getting through to the application; it is dismissed as if it did not occur

    • For screen and window blocks, there are additional options that allow you to customize what the user sees when the click is denied

  • Store user action: Stores the click/key combination to memory in order to allow or deny it at a later time, according to a predefined logic

  • Allow user action: Release the click/key combination so that it gets through to the application

When clicked/pressed

Select an option from this dropdown list to determine how the wizard should proceed once the user action is either denied, stored, or allowed. The default option is Do nothing.

This property is called When pressed for key blocks and When clicked for all other block types.

Additional options

Include taskbar

Elect whether to include the Windows task bar in the blocked area of the screen

The include taskbar option is available for screen blocks only.
Denied click options

Select one or more of these additional options when the behavior of a screen or window block is set to deny the user action –

  • This block is visible (gray glass): The user sees the entire block area as "grayed out" when the wizard is run

  • Show indication when click is denied: When the click is intercepted and denied, the user receives a notification. You also have the option to allow the user to:

    • Remove the block

    • Stop the wizard

Denied click options are available for screen and window blocks only.