Find Matching Window Handles

Retrieve the handles of all running windows that match the current step's window detection criteria and place them into a new or existing variable.

  • To learn more about window handles, see Wait, wait, wait... what is a handle?

  • To learn more about how the wizard identifies the window on which the action is performed, see the Window Detection section of the Nintex Studio User Guide.

  1. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the matching window handles

  2. Enter the separator you want to use to separate each matching window handle found


Finding all open Excel windows

Let's say you have recorded a wizard that writes data to an Excel spreadsheet, and to ensure it runs properly, you want identify all open instances of Excel on the end user's desktop.

The window detection properties for a wizard step running on an Excel window might look something like this:

Use the find matching window handles command to retrieve the handles of all open windows with Class name equal to XLMAIN and Caption containing Excel.

You might then want to utilize the Control Window State command together with the retrieved handles in order to minimize or close all open Excel windows other than the one being used by the wizard.