Get UI Object Location

Retrieve the location (in pixels) of an object in the active application and place it into new or existing variables. Choose to retrieve the location represented either by:

  • Rectangle – with variables for left, top, width, and height; or

  • Center point – with variables for X and Y coordinates

Choose rectangle or center point first

The variables you need to specify while setting up this command vary based on the method you choose for retrieving the location. So make this selection first and save yourself some time!

  1. Choose whether to retrieve the object location either by rectangle or by center point.

  2. Enter the names of the variables into which you would like to place the location information.

  3. Select the object whose location you would like to retrieve.

    After selecting the object, the following buttons become available (when relevant):

    • Click an object

    • Expand selection

    • Narrow selection

    • Highlight selected object

    • Use right click for selection

    • Tree view

  4. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.

See UI Automation Selector Syntax