Use Keyboard Shortcut

Enter predefined keystrokes into the active application. This command is especially useful when you need to enter keystroke combinations utilizing <CTRL>, <ALT>, <TAB>, etc.

  1. Type the exact keystrokes you want to send to the active application. This can include single keystrokes, combinations, and/or a series of multiple keystrokes and combinations;

    Choose whether the entered keystrokes must be in the language in which the wizard was recorded or if they can be in any language; and

    Select the speed at which the keystrokes will be sent

    • The longer the interval selected, the slower the keystrokes are sent

    • Applications/configurations can vary widely in how quickly they are able to accept data, so finding the best interval may require a bit of experimentation

  2. Choose whether or not the keystrokes should appear on the end user's screen while the wizard is running