Input Text

Send the text you've entered (or the text stored in a variable) to the active application.

You must activate the field into which the text will be entered before using this command.

Type the text you want to send (can include free text and/or values copied from different variables); and

Select the speed at which the keystrokes will be sent

  • The longer the interval selected, the slower the keystrokes are sent

  • Applications/configurations can vary widely in how quickly they are able to accept data, so finding the best interval may require a bit of experimentation

When working with emulators, sometimes it is necessary to change a configuration parameter for these advanced commands to work.

Find the line that begins with "FeatureFlag_UseInputSimulator", and change the value to FALSE in both robot and studio: "appSettings.config".

The full line should now read: <add key="FeatureFlag_UseInputSimulator" value="<False>" />