Drag & Drop

Pick up an object at a source location (either the current mouse position or a specific screen location identified by x and y coordinates) and drag it to a target location.

This command is especially useful when you need to move data from one column to another in the active application.

  1. Where you want to drag the object from:

    Identify the source location either as: (1) the current mouse position; or (2) a location identified by x and y coordinates stored in variables

    • If using x and y coordinates, enter the names of the variables in which the coordinates are stored

  2. Where you want the object to be dropped:

    Enter the names of the variables in which the x and y coordinates of the target location are stored

  3. Specify additional details about the desired drag & drop operation:

    • Optional delay before drag and/or drop

    • Whether the mouse movement should appear on the end user's screen while the wizard is running

    • Whether the drag & drop should occur in combination with the <CTRL> or <SHIFT> keys

How do I get the coordinates of the mouse position?

See Get Mouse Position.