HTML Commands

Supported Browsers

Google Chrome

Microsoft Chromium Edge


Installed Nintex RPA Connector Extension


  • Use HTML commands within recorded steps only. They are not supported for steps that are comprised solely of Advanced Commands.

  • All of the HTML commands (with the exception of Extract from HTML table/list) employ Nintex's easy-to-use HTML Object Selector to help you identify the HTML object you want to work with. See the full instructions for all you need to know about using it.

Refer to the table below for a detailed overview of each command and its respective functionalities:

Command Description

Click on HTML Object

Click the mouse on an object in the currently active web page.

Does HTML Object Exist

Check to see if an object in the currently active web page exists and place the result of the check (TRUE/FALSE) into a variable.

Extract from HTML Table/List

Extract all or selected data from a web-based table or list and place it into a new or existing variable.

Get HTML Object

Retrieve the HTML code for a selected object in the currently active web page and place it into a new or existing variable.

Get HTML Object Text

Retrieve the text of an HTML object in the currently active web page and place it into a new or existing variable.

Get HTML Object Value

Retrieve the value of an HTML object in the currently active web page and place it into a new or existing variable.

Get HTML Table

Retrieve the text of an HTML table in the currently active web page and place it into a new or existing variable.

Scroll to HTML Object

Scroll to an object in the currently active web page so that it is visible within the window.

Set HTML Object Value

Place a value into an object in the currently active web page.