Set Global Variable

Place a value into a variable that is available for use in other wizards and sensors (a "global variable"), by either:

  • Creating a new global variable and setting its value; or

  • Setting the value of an global existing variable

  1. Enter the name of the global variable (new or existing) to which you want to assign a value.

    • If you want to create a new global variable, type the name of the new variable

    • If the global variable already exists, choose its name from the drop-down list

  2. Set the value of the global variable you have specified.

    • You can include free text and/or values copied from different variables

    • <Enter> <Space> and/or <Tab> can be used

Turn something standard into something global...

Very often, the value set into a global variable is actually the value of one of the current wizard's "standard" variables. Just type the standard variable's name between dollar signs (e.g., $MyVar$) in step 2 to make this happen.