Analyze Digital PDF File

Analyze a digital PDF file for the purpose of performing a sequence of actions on each page.

Step 1 - Analyze & identify the pages

The first step in using the Analyze Digital PDF File command is to analyze and identify the pages on which the specified actions will be performed.

  1. Select the file to analyze.

  2. Choose whether to analyze all pages of the file or enter specific pages to analyze.

  3. Indicate if you wish to ignore pages containing specified words.

  4. Indicate if you wish to place information about total pages and current page into variables.

  5. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.

Step #2 - Define the actions

Upon adding the Analyze Digital PDF File command to your wizard, you will notice that it becomes an empty "container" within the Editor Pane, waiting for you to fill it with instructions:

  1. Enter the action(s) the wizard should take on each analyzed page.

    • You can do this by dragging the required Advanced Command(s) directly into the container


The wizard performs the actions defined within the container by looping through each page (i.e., it will perform the complete sequence of actions on a single page, then move on to perform the sequence on each remaining page in turn).

No limits.

You can use any available Advanced Command within the Analyze Digital PDF File container (i.e., don't feel limited to using just the Digital PDF Analysis commands!)

A combination of these two notes leads us to a...

Break that loop!

Under certain conditions, you may want to break and/or restart the loop created by the Analyze Digital PDF File container. Make this happen by using the Loop: Break and/or the Loop: Restart command (usually within an If Else command).