Get Day of Month

Retrieve the first or last day of any month. This command is most-often used in order to determine the first or last working day of a month.

Prior to using this command, specify the relevant month and year by placing these values into variables. To ensure that the formatting of these variables is correct, see A NOTE ABOUT FORMATTING.

  1. Choose whether you'd like to retrieve the first or last day of the specified month; and

    Enter the names of the variables in which the relevant month and year are stored.

  2. Indicate whether you'd like to consider only working days when calculating the first or last day of the month.

    • If you have chosen to consider only working days, provide the days that constitute a work week

  3. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the result.

  4. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.

Let's say you have a series of reports that must be run as of the last working day of each month. The get day of month command can determine the exact date on which the reports must be run.