Format Date

Convert any date to:

  • Long date format (e.g., Monday, June 5, 2017)

  • Short date format (e.g., 6/5/2017)

  • A custom-defined date format (for details, see Specifying custom output formats)

  1. Select the input type for the date to be formatted and provide additional information as required (varies by input type)

    • Current date: The wizard will format the current date (according to the system clock of the machine on which the robot is running)

      No additional information is required

    • Use day/month/year variables:

      Enter the names of the variables that contain the day, month, and year of the date to be formatted

    • Custom format:

      Enter the date the wizard should format

      Can be free text and/or values copied from different variables

      The wizard will interpret the order of month/day according to the robot's regional format (as configured in Windows)

      In other words, whether 6/5/2020 is interpreted as June 5, 2017, or May 6, 2017, depends on the standard format of the robot's region

      See A NOTE ABOUT FORMATTING for additional information about correctly entering this date

  2. Select the format to which the specified date should be converted.

  3. Select the date regional format to be used for the input and output (when applicable).

  4. Enter the name of the variable into which to place the result.

Specifying custom output formats

To display

Use this code


Months as 1-12


Months as 01-12


Months as Jan-Dec


Months as January-December


Days as 1-31


Days as 01-31


Days as Sun-Sat


Days as Sunday-Saturday


Years as 00-99


Years as 1900-9999


dddd d-MMM-yyyy → Monday 5-Jun-2017

MMMM dd, yyyy → June 05, 2017

MM/dd/yy (dddd) → 06/05/17 (Monday)